Healthy Ageing and Geriatrics Program Blog Posts

Summer Scholarship Supports Another Group of Students to Become Young Geriatricians

Imagine being a medical student participating in a first-of-its-kind research project aimed at improving the care of older patients. A fantastic opportunity for many, to be sure. Fortunately, for this year’s SHS/UHN Savlov/Schmidt Summer Scholars in Geriatrics, that was exactly what they did.

Understanding Frailty: A Key Concept in Delivering High-Quality Care to Older Adults

The secret to living a long, independent and healthy life may be a concept that’s highly debated and inconsistently studied. Frailty, by most accounts, is a measure of an individual’s robustness and resilience or their ability to recover from events like illness and injury.

Geriatric Oncology: A Cure for Ageism in Cancer Care

Cancer is an older person’s disease. The vast majority of new cancer cases and cancer deaths in Canada occur in individuals aged 50 and older, while the highest proportion of cancer deaths occur in Canada’s oldest – those aged 80 and older. With a rapidly ageing population, Canada is expected to see cases of cancer balloon in the coming decades with 1 in 2 Canadians being diagnosed in their lifetime and 1 in 4 dying of cancer.

Home is Where the Heart Failure Treatment Is

Heart failure is a preventable and manageable chronic health condition that remains a leading cause of death and driver of health care costs in Canada.

Volunteers: Critical Team Members in the Care of Older Patients

When older patients are hospitalized, they benefit from care provided by a variety of professionals: physicians, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, and others. At Sinai Health System, older patients are also additionally supported by another group of unique team members: volunteers.

If You’re Going to Get Older, Do It Now!

Today is National Seniors Day and there has never been a better time to be an older Canadian. Today, older Canadians are living happier, healthier, and longer lives than their counterparts in previous decades.