Healthy Ageing and Geriatrics Program Blog Posts

Hitting the Books to Meet the Needs of our Ageing Population

Over the last month, children all across Canada have continued a time-honoured tradition of going back to school in the fall to gain knowledge and skills that will serve as the building blocks of their lives. However, even though this happens every year, it seems we only think that it’s younger Canadians who need to go back to school.

No Doctors for Old Men? We Have An Answer for That!

Every year thousands of Canadians enter medical school and start a journey where they meet, learn from and work with many talented medical professionals including: pediatricians, family physicians, general internists, emergency medicine physicians, surgeons, obstetricians, gynecologists, anesthesiologists, psychiatrists and many others. However, medical students are rarely given the opportunity to engage with geriatricians during their medical education. In fact, many medical trainees may go through their entire medical education without ever being taught about the unique health needs that older people may have.

Can Toronto Lead a Global Urban Revolution in Ageing?

Today, it’s hard not to think about how countries all over the world are rapidly ageing. In 2015, 8.5 per cent of the world was over 65, in 2030 it will be 12 per cent and in 2050 it will be 16.7 per cent. It’s not only countries that are ageing, but increasingly our cities are as well as more and more older people migrate towards living in urban centres.

Starting the Conversation: Working Together to Confront Elder Abuse

For many Canadians, their older years can be a fulfilling time when they can enjoy the rewards of a well-earned retirement amongst their family and friends. However, for a significant number it can also be a time when they may be at risk of being harmed financially, physically, emotionally or psychologically by those they trust. About 10 per cent of older Canadians will suffer some form of elder abuse, most often from their spouses, grown children, caregivers, family members or another person they trust. With our rapidly ageing population expected to grow in the coming years and decades, these incidences are unfortunately only going to become more prevalent.

A Step in the Right Direction: Why Nurses Should Lead the Shift to Providing More Community-Based Care

As you get older, you will likely develop some chronic conditions, become more frail, increasingly use hospital resources and end up in a long-term care home, right? Wrong! As our population ages, there will actually be more older adults wanting and receiving care right in their homes and communities. As the Clinical Coordinator and Registered Nurse of the Independence at Home Community Outreach Team, I have seen the benefits that many older patients gain from this new shift in health care delivery from hospital- to community-based care.

Helping Patients and Families Navigate Through Challenging Circumstances

In the home where a high-anxiety family meeting is taking place, an older patient is bedbound and incontinent due to their advanced chronic illness, and the family cannot cope with meeting the care needs of their loved one anymore. Family members are burnt out and ready to explore nursing home options immediately.